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why isn't left click attack? J is pretty out of the way

after I jump it doesn't let me roll sometimes up to a 2-3 seconds of spamming ctrl. note #2 on rolling: it really needs to be snappy like it should cancel out the backend of other animations when you roll or else people will be spamming roll waiting for the char to do something trying to avoid attacks and feeling like it's too hard. needs to be on demand and snappy. I was able to roll away from most of the wolves attacks, though.

walking should be a hard toggle imo. there's no need to walk in most games except for stealth reasons or for platforming.

the ability to turn and stop in midair after jumping doesn't feel useful enough with such a short jump, imo. 

running should be able to be toggled on so that you can run -> roll without issues. or if not then maybe change the keybinding because my pinky had to hold shift then press ctrl then hold shift, it's clunky. If shift toggled the run and you smoothed out the interaction between running and rolling it would feel better.

glider sometimes doesn't come out right when you jump. I think you should be able to glider on a level surface. it would add something. not sure what, freedom. even if it has no purpose on a level area, being able to press it and have it open up no matter what surface you're on would feel 'snappier' 

jumping speed feels slower than sprinting speed while sprinting.

fighting the boss was interesting. obviously it would feel better if I didn't have to hold shift the entire time. also dodging sometimes was sluggish after an attack. also the dog needs some animations between his attacks to look more natural, like in souls games the enemies have sort of a 'stalking' pose, where they are walking towards you but not attacking yet because you're not close enough, etc.


not sure how to use crafting table, or if it's supposed to be usable yet. I clicked the 100 silver coins icon and it gave me 1 silver coin, then i couldn't make it do anything else. probably wip.

you can mine with interface open, but do nothing else. either allow movement with ui open or make it like a pause menu or something. 


scroll wheel needs to scroll the camera more per scroll, and be smoothed out somehow

turning is sluggish, hard to turn around in a snap


need mining animation

good work though!

Thank you for the feedback!